RDM’s pavement management and maintenance development links directly to the structural and functional evaluation and design. RDM owns and operates three heavy falling weight deflectometers (HWD) , ground penetrating radar (GPR) equipment, a core rig and GIS locational tools to define every test location during a pavement evaluation. We have performed numerous projects at airports throughout the U.S. and internationally. Our strong understanding of pavements has led to numerous requests to provide forensic investigations to determine the cause of premature pavement failures and provide appropriate solutions to mitigate future issues.
RDM International stays on top of changing and emerging trends with all of our services. We look for ways to work “smarter” and better for our clients by leveraging technology for providing better products. While the latest changes are occurring on a daily basis, RDM stays on the leading edge and avoids the bleeding edge when implementing new tools, devices or software. We test everything to insure our product meets the needs of our clients without increasing confusion or cost.
RDM looks for ways to “stack” our information for a more complete picture to our clients. An example of this stacking is use of pavement “heat maps”. By converging pavement distress data with pavement strength data, repairs alternatives and solutions become clear. Our use of GPS and hand-held tablets to accurately collect information has reduced our time in the field while improving accuracy.
From the days of paper maps and tapes measures to GPS enabled data collection with digital photos – RDM has grown with the technology over the past three decades.